April 3, 2012 USA.
A year after having the first full face transplant in the US, Dallas Wiens says he can feel his 4-year-old daughter’s kisses.
Report by Sophie Foster
2008 USA. A multi-disciplinary team of doctors and surgeons at the Cleveland Clinic recently performed the first near-total face transplant in the United States. 80 percent of the patient’s face was transplanted. The transplant team led by Maria Siemionow, MD, PhD, Director of Plastic Surgery Research and Head of Microsurgery Training.
China’s first face transplant patient Li Guoxing, escorted by doctors and nurses walks out of the hospital ward in Xi’an, capital city of Northwest China’s Shaanxi Province, on July 28, 2006.
2010, Spain. Oscar, the world’s first full face transplant recipient with Doctor Joan Pere Barret and other members of the medical staff before participating in a press conference to chart his progress during the 4 months he spend at the Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron on July 26, 2010 in Barcelona, Spain.
July 26 2010, Spain. First full face transplant patient appears in public in Spain. Appearing at a press conference at Barcelona’s Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, where he underwent surgery, Oscar spoke with difficulty just two months after regaining his voice.