July 22-23, 2012

A Workshop on Reading Images Led by Paola Yacoub.

This workshop will take as its starting point Georges Bataille’s The Trial of Gilles de Rais at Beirut Art Center - Beirut.

May 16, 2012

Lecture performance Tsunami by Paola Yacoub Michel Lasserre performed by Paola Yacoub at EHESS Paris.

February 24, 2011

Lecture performance The Edifying Story of Li Guoxing by Paola Yacoub Michel Lasserre performed by Paola Yacoub at Beirut Art Center.

December 10, 2011

Lecture performance Tsunami by Paola Yacoub Michel Lasserre performed by Paola Yacoub at Art-Cade, Galerie des Grands Bains-Douches de la Plaine, Marseille.

March 30, 2010

Lecture performance The Edifying Story of Li Guoxing by Paola Yacoub Michel Lasserre performed by Paola Yacoub at the European School of Visual Arts Angoulême & Poitiers.

November 14, 2008

Lecture performance Tsunami by Paola Yacoub Michel Lasserre performed by Wang Jing at OCT Contemporary Art Terminal of He Xiangning Art Museum Shenshen China.